Make Delicious Home Treats with Ice Cube Tray Molds

Make Delicious Home Treats with Ice Cube Tray Molds />

Ice Cube Trays have traditionally been used to create ice cubes in the fridge for your cooler boxes or drinks at home. You pour some water inside the compartments of the  tray , place them in the freezer or fridge for 1 -2 hours ,and viola , you have your ice cubes.
Apart from making ice cubes , there are other ways we can utilize the ice cube tray in our home, office or bar to make. This ranges from making frozen chocolate cubes , frozen juices ,storing tomato paste and so on an so forth. In the following  article , we will explore some cool ways to use your ice cube tray at home.

1. Make Water Based Ice Cubes 

Just pour water into the ice cube tray and place it the freezer for 1 - 2 Hours. Ice cubes are used to chill drinks , remove gum from cloths and carpet, for treating burns and scalds and for relieving pains and aches. Ice cubes are used in cooler boxes to maintain cold temperatures of  frozen food , drinks ,medicine cooler boxes , and vaccine cooler boxes.

2. Make Chocolate Flavoured Strawberry Bites

Just freeze a mixure of chocolate or cocoa mix with slices of strawberry. Pour the mix into the ice cube tray mold and freeze for 2 Hours.

3. Prepare Mint Ice Cubes

Freeze some fresh mint herbs and berries in an ice cube tray and pop in your drink for a boost of flavor.

4. Make Home Made Frozen Yogurt Banana Bites

Place some slices of  banana in the ice cube trays and then pour your favorite flavour of milk yogurt.Let freeze for 2 Hours.

5. Toddler Kids Food Divider

The ice cube tray can be used to separate small portions of baby foods in one single place.

6. Store Earings and Store Jewelry

An ice cube tray is can be used to store jewelry and other small items because it has so many individual sections to keep everything  organised.

Need an Ice Cube Tray for your home,restaurant or office?We got you covered.

Click here to order or  Call / Whatsapp 0788345957 to quickly place your order.